Why is Supabeet so super?

Posted on February 9th, 2024   Categories Product, Special Offers

Trident Supabeet is a high digestible fibre energy and palatable pelleted feed.

Supabeet is a co-product from sugar production. Once the sugar has been diffused out from the beet, the fibrous residues are dried and combined with molasses. They are then pelleted and then finely coated with palm oil to produce the final product. Supabeet is available all year round, UK wide in bags only. Like all dry feeds, they should be stored in a secure shed, bunker, bin or hopper and kept cool, dry and free from vermin.

Suitable for a wide range of livestock and horses, Supabeet has many benefits.

The predicted responses (benefits) assume that the specified nutrient, physical or structural dietary components are limiting livestock performance in the current ration.

Supabeet can be fed as part of a TMR or as a concentrate feed. (DMI = dry matter intake)

This February Supabeet is on offER at Copdock Mill Wholesale! Get one bag free when you buy five this month.

If you’re a current trade customer you can take a look at our February special offer brochure here.

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